How to Avoid Having Too Many Toys

2 young buys playing with big stackable block toys

Interestingly, much as toys belong to the kids, most parents buy toys that they find fascinating, and assume the child will feel the same way. So, this keeps going on, and the child keeps acquiring more toys, some of which may not have had the same impact as it did the parents. Before long, the toys become too many, yet there some are no longer being used. If you find yourself in this predicament, you can find creative ways of storing them in useful toy organizers. This will leave sufficient space for toys your kids enjoy using. 

In the following article, Housely suggests multiple attractive ways of storing toys using a toy organizer and how to choose the ideal storage unit. 

A guide to the ideal toy organizer

“One thing that many new parents don’t anticipate is just how easily toys can take over the entire house if left unchecked. Even within the first few years of a child’s life an overwhelming number of toys can accumulate. The key to maintaining your sanity is investing in a toy organizer that will work well for your family’s needs.

Toy organizers are different from toy chests because the latter is best for storing large toys and things that are infrequently used — chests don’t do a great job of actually organizing toys. Organizers come with multiple compartments and make keeping and categorizing toys much more streamlined.” Read more here

There are different types of organizers in the market that you will find suitable for the toys in your home. You may opt to custom make one or buy a ready-made one. Whatever option you go for, you need to consider the space you have available. Fortunately, if the floor space is insufficient, you can get cubby style or free-standing toy organizers that occupy more space on the wall instead of the floor. If your child has plenty of stuffed animals, you can use a soft bag to store them since such a bag can take many stuffed animals. 

The next article written by Marissa Bader discusses ways you can start organizing toys in the toy storage Singapore.

Steps to follow when using a toy organizer

“One of the biggest challenges of parenthood: dealing with our kids’ toys. (Well, that, and other things like, you know, managing everything from their behavior to their health to their overall well-being). But seriously — it’s true what they say: when you have kids, their toys tend to take over your entire house.

You clean up diligently every night, but the next morning, all the toys are on the floor again. It’s a losing battle — why even bother?” Read more here  

When you have too many toys in the house, it is sometimes difficult to tell which toys are most sought after, which ones have been rejected, and the broken ones. So, you first need an inventory. Assess the toys to see which ones need to be thrown away and those to be stored in the toy organizer. You might even find toys your child hasn’t seen in a long time because other toys always cover it. You can use labelled boxes to separate the toys based on their state and how often they are used.  

In the following article on, the writer analyzes the various toy organizers and argues the case of getting one over another. 

Finding the best toy storage organizer

If you’ve got kids, you’ve got clutter. There’s no doubt that toys can take up a lot of space. If your child isn’t good at putting his toys away, they take up even more space. This isn’t just an eyesore – it’s dangerous as well. Just ask any parent who’s stepped on a LEGO in the middle of the night.

Sound familiar? It’s time to take control of your kids’ toy clutter and reclaim the space in your home. The key to keeping things organized is to make sure that everything has its own place. Teach your child to put his games in one place, stuffed animals in another, and cars in yet another place. Read more here

When purchasing a toy storage Singapore, you need to have an idea of how you will utilize the available space. This is important if you have lots of toys, sometimes found all over the house. If you are going to occupy wall space, which organizer is most suitable? Pick one that will either accommodate all the toys or design it specifically for certain toys. For example, you can choose to have an organizer for all the toy, or you can designate every storage area to have its toys. Eventually, the kids will understand why you have stored the toys the way you have. 

It is never too soon to start teaching kids about personal responsibility. Giving them a chance to organize their toys after they have observed your storage plan, you can be confident that they will put everything back as it should be. So, when buying an organizer, you should consider the possibility of kids immediately taking over the responsibility of keeping their toys.